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27 October 2023


The technology behind Tricoya wood elements is based on wood acetylation, a process that has been studied by scientists around the world for more than 80 years. Tricoya acetylated wood elements (including chips, fibres and particles) is a revolution in modified wood fibre technology from Tricoya Technologies Ltd.

Tricoya Technologies Limited in which BP Ventures holds a minority equity interest is focused on exploitation of Tricoya acetylated wood elements used in the production of durable and stable wood panels. Tricoya is widely recognized as the gold standard for high performance wood elements which can be used in the manufacturing of external use panel products opening up new markets. The application of acetylation technology to wood ingredients for use in a vast array of wood composite and products is set to create new, high performance solutions that will inspire creativity and confidence and open up new markets for manufacturers. Tricoya panels combine the stability and durability of non-wood materials with all the advantages of wood-composite panels: sustainability, versatility, light weight and ease of use, installation, coating and forming. Tricoya panels stimulate architects, users and the building industry alike, opening up new possibilities and solutions. This method of improving wood has been proven to deliver such superior performance that it has long been used as the “gold standard” against which other methods are measured. Tricoya combines this science with years of proprietary research and investment.
The physical properties of any material are determined by its chemical structure. Wood contains an abundance of chemical groups called “free hydroxyls” (represented as OH in the chemical formula opposite). Free hydroxyl groups absorb and release water according to changes in the climatic conditions (moisture content) to which the wood is exposed. This is the main reason why wood swells and shrinks. It is also believed that the digestion of wood by enzymes initiates at the free hydroxyl sites – which is one of the principal reasons that wood is prone to decay. Acetylation effectively changes the free hydroxyls within the wood into acetyl groups. This is done by reacting the wood with acetic anhydride, which comes from acetic acid (known as vinegar when in its dilute form).
When the free hydroxyl group is transformed to an acetyl group, the ability of the wood to absorb water is greatly reduced, rendering the wood more dimensionally stable and, because it is no longer digestible, extremely durable. Acetyl groups are already naturally present in all wood species ¬ as well as in humans and other mammals. This means that the manufacturing process adds nothing to the wood that does not already naturally occur within it, resulting in an end product that does not add toxins to the environment. The effect of altering the wood’s chemical structure, as opposed to merely altering its chemical content, is essentially to create a new product that is modified right through the cross section. By contrast, other comparable treatments merely insert chemicals (such as oils, ammonia or metal compounds) into the wood, improving durability but not dimensional stability.

For information about Tricoya Licences contact Mr Edward Pratt, Director Business Development:
Tricoya Technologies Ltd
Brettenham House
19 Lancaster Place
LONDON WC2E 7EN / England
Ph. +44 20 7899 940265 