• Datalignum Ltd
  • Datalignum.com Ltd ceased operations on 31 January 2024.
  • I would like to inform you that my publishing house Datalignum.com Ltd, Canterbury/England, began to cease its editorial activity since last September, and on 31 January 2024 the internet search engine www.datalignum.com was also closed.
    All active customers were informed with a personal email, to which many responded, expressing regret for the closure, and congratulations for the positive editorial work we have carried out internationally in our 42 years of activity.
    Also on behalf of my team, I have the pleasure of thanking everyone who appreciated and supported our work.
    Thank you!

    Pietro Stroppa, Editor Milan / Italy
    Private E-mail: stroppa@stroppa.it
    Italian mobile: +39 333 8333007
  • Datalignum Ltd
  • Datalignum.com Ltd ceased operations on 31 January 2024.
  • I would like to inform you that my publishing house Datalignum.com Ltd, Canterbury/England, began to cease its editorial activity since last September, and on 31 January 2024 the internet search engine www.datalignum.com was also closed.
    All active customers were informed with a personal email, to which many responded, expressing regret for the closure, and congratulations for the positive editorial work we have carried out internationally in our 42 years of activity.
    Also on behalf of my team, I have the pleasure of thanking everyone who appreciated and supported our work.
    Thank you!

    Pietro Stroppa, Editor Milan / Italy
    Private E-mail: stroppa@stroppa.it
    Italian mobile: +39 333 8333007