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International awards for LEITZ.

18 January 2012

International awards for LEITZ.

At the TopMòbile competition in Brasil, Leitz has won first prize. Also the AWTE Gold Star Award in Australia goes to the tool manufacturer in Oberkochen.
At the TopMòbile competition Leitz won the first prize of the leading magazine of the woodworking sector in Brasil. In a market survey, the magazine questioned 400 Brasilian furniture- and wood derived material manufacturers which suppliers they would prefer. Thereby Leitz was the best performer in the category of tools – with a margin of votes of more than 16 percent in comparison to the second place. The traditional Oberkochen company won the prize for the fifth time in succession.
For Vitor Ledur, Managing Director of Leitz Brasil, the prize of the TopMóbile competition is something special. Whereas most prizes are awarded by an expert jury, the results of the TopMòbile competition only are determined by the customer. „The prize is a great compliment of our customers,“ thinks Ledur. „It shows that Leitz is doing a good job in Brasil since years.“

Leitz in Brasil
Brasil is one of the most important markets of the woodworking sector and is characterized by stable and lasting growth. Dr. Dieter Brucklacher, Chairman of the Leitz Management Board, assumes that this process will continue. In the past, high investment sums were spent on the secondary woodworking level i.e. on sectors that follow the cutting of the raw material. „From this, great chances result for the suppliers, amongst others for tool manufacturers as Leitz,“ estimates Dr. Brucklacher. „These chances we will use.“
Since 1979, Leitz has a sales- and production subsidiary in Brasil. Here, the company produces tools for wood- and plastic processing, especially tailored for the local market. In 2011, Leitz had a turnover growth in Brasil of more than 22 percent in comparison to the year before. As per Vitor Ledur, mainly the successful acquisition of new customers has been the reason for this. One aim of Leitz Brasil is, to grow constantly within the next years in the market segment of plastic processing. „Cutting innovative material as it is used for example in the furniture industry is one of the core competencies of Leitz. We further want to exploit our potentials on this sector,“ says Dr. Brucklacher.

AWTE Gold Star Award
In Down Under, Leitz has been awarded for its RazorCut sawblades. After a successful performance at the Australian Woodworking and Technology Expo (AWTE) in Melbourne / Australia, the company received the Gold Star Award of the trade show. RazorCut sawblades especially are designed for machining boards of wood derived material. Its speciality is the cutting geometry. This ensures a high cutting quality, which dispenses with reworking steps and by this reduces the energy demand of the production processes. The sawblades are furnished with a special coating reducing the resinification of the tool in the user’s company. Moreover the RazorCut sawblades produce considerably less vibrations than conventional sawblades. This improves the machining quality and results in a lower noise exposure for the operators.

The Company
Founded in 1876 in Oberkochen, Southern Germany, the Leitz Group is the worldwide leading manufacturer of tools for industrial processing of wood, wood derived materials, plastic and compound materials. The Leitz product spectrum covers the complete range of precision tools for automated machines. In a complete package of advisory services, 3,500 Leitz employees pass on their experience of cutting tools to customers so meeting daily the requirements of a complete problem solver and producing service provider.
Today Leitz products are regularly used in more than 150 countries around the world. With 10 production locations in Europe, Asia and America, 37 international Leitz sales companies, a network of 200 service centres offering quick production plus sales partners, Leitz is represented in 100 countries across all continents.
For more information contact Mr. Franz Greisinger, Head of Marketing:

Leitzstrasse 2
D-73447 OBERKOCHEN (Germany)
Phone + 49 (7364) 950 213.
Fax + 49 (7364) 950 681.