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Tonelli Spa pursues environmentally sustainable policies.
women & companies

29 January 2013

Tonelli Spa pursues environmentally sustainable policies.

Tonelli SPA pursues environmentally sustainable policies And environmental protection through its products as well, the use of which involves a low environmental impact. The use of Aston honeycomb in the furniture industry contributes to considerable savings of wood-based material acting as a replacement for wood and glued panels.
The Aston honeycomb is manufactured from recycled paper, virgin paper from producers involved in reforestation, and plant-based adhesives. Ecopan is the environmental panel par excellence, used mainly in the packaging industry as a substitute for non-eco-friendly products, like polystyrene, for example. Ecopan is a sandwich panel with an Aston honeycomb core covered with recycled paper and virgin paper from producers involved in reforestation.
All wood-based panels marketed and processed by Tonelli meet the requirements of the EU regulations, i.e. the Declaration of Conformity of Formaldehyde class E1, to protect the health of the consumer.
In 2010 Tonelli received the FSC Certification which certifies the reverse traceability of products, the reduction in water consumption and CO2 emissions.
Tonelli helps to make its business “greener” through the installation of a 500-kilowatt photovoltaic system for clean energy production, with a significant reduction of CO2 emissions.
Tonelli pursues the goals of environmental protection with the same coherence as its financial, technical and social objectives, collaborating with its business partners in solid, long-term relationships.
For more information contact:

Str. degli Ascrittizi, 12
47891 FALCIANO (Repubblica di San Marino)
Tel. +378 0549 940511
Fax +378 0549 940533