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This is the introduction of the report on HPL Industry in India and if you wish to read, pick inside the cover in homepage of this portal for to see the total report.
India, with 1,350,000,000 inhabitants (2017 estimate) is one of the most populated countries in the world. The form of government is the Federal Republic. India has a density of 403 inhabitants per square kilometer. The capital is New Delhi, which has about 22,000,000 inhabitants. The currency unit is the Indian Rupee. The annual growth of the economy is 1.1%. Active population is 520,193,950. Unemployment 6,5%. Life expectancy is 67.1 years for men and 70.2 for women. Main data of the economy for 2017: Gross National Product (GNP) 2.597.491, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) 2.611.012, Gross Domestic Product per inhabitant 1.983 US Dollars. Gross Domestic Product, 6.7% annual change. Inflation 3.6%. Economic situation. Since 2014, high growth has been supported by the recovery of foreign investments, linked to confidence in the reforms promised by the Government; these, however, have been hampered by the lack of a Government majority in the upper House. The drop in oil prices has led to the reduction of inflation and has allowed the cutting of fuel subsidies, freeing up resources for infrastructure investments and reducing the high deficit. In 2017 the economic climate was disturbed by the effects of the demonetization set by the Government and by the introduction of the general consumption tax. Since 2017 exports are recovering, even if the trade balance remains in deficit. The primary sector in India is agriculture. The main crops are: rice, cereals, potatoes, legumes. Among the industrial crops, sugar cane, cotton, soy, peanuts, tea and coffee stand out. THE HPL PANEL INDUSTRY IN INDIA The industry of high pressure laminates (HPL) and hot/cold cycle is very important for India, since it is the first state in the world that boasts a very high concentration of industries and a considerable production capacity, mainly produced by small companies even modestly equipped. Some of these have only a high-pressure HPL press with a hot/cold cycle and buy paper (both decorative and Kraft) already impregnated, from external suppliers. Therefore, it is a very fragmented sector. It is also a young sector, born in the late 1970s and developed in the 1980s with the technologies described above. In our search the factories are 47 - the best industries in India - many of which are located in Ahmedabad in the Gujarat region.
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