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The 2015 will not be a year to remember as a season of records, but for the Italian woodworking technology industry the past twelve months were undoubtedly better than expected. The trends based on the positive figures of the preliminary balance published by the association in mid-December (for convenience, see the table at the end of this press release) will probably be revised upwards, although it should be noticed that most orders coming in the fourth quarter will generate revenues in 2016.
As a matter of fact, orders in the final quarter 2015 cast a new light onto the industry. On the whole, the trend survey by Acimall’s Studies Office on a panel of representative companies indicates 23.3 percent growth compared to the same period in 2014. There was a clear exploit on the domestic market, with orders up by one third (29.6 percent), while foreign markets recorded slower expansion at 17 percent. Besides year-on-year, figures are really positive also quarter-on-quarter, as growth from the previous quarter (July-September 2015) amounted to 30 percent, or 7 percent with seasonal adjustment, i.e. considering the number of working days. This figure is significant because it indicates a consolidation of the growth trend that has been going on since early 2014. The orders book has extended to 2.8 months of ensured production (versus 2.5 months at the end of 2014), with a one percent variation of prices since January 1st (1.3 percent in 2014). According to the quality survey, 42 percent of the interviewed companies indicate a positive production trend, 47 percent stable and 11 percent decreasing. Employment is stable according to 69 percent of the sample, increasing for 5 percent and decreasing for 26 percent. Available stocks are stationary according to 74 percent, decreasing according to the remaining 26 percent. The forecast survey helps imagine the future. The interviewed business men are more optimistic about the next period, with 42 percent expecting a further expansion of foreign demand, 53 percent a stable trend and 5 percent only a decrease. The balance is plus 37, up from 27 points recorded by the Confindustria-member association at the end of 2014. More caution on the domestic market: according to 16 percent of the sample, orders from Italian companies are going to decrease, while 63 percent expect a stable trend and 21 percent further growth in the short term. The balance is plus 5, versus 16 in the same survey in February 2015. For more information contact Mr Luca Rossetti, Communication Manager:
ACIMALL / CEPRA Spa Centro Direzionale Milanofiori Strada 1 Palazzo F3 20090 ASSAGO / Milan / Italy Tel. +39 02 89210200 Fax +39 02 8259009 E-mail: