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Hiwin linear motors are direct driven axis with plug and play capabilities.
Hiwin linear motors are direct driven axis with plug and play capabilities.
Asia Observatory

25 March 2019


HIWIN is a combination of Hi-tech WINner. This means, "You are a Hi-tech WINner with us." HIWIN comes from "HI-tech WINner" and means, "With us, you are a hi-tech winner." As you incorporate our product within your applications, you will realize the uncompromising value and leading technological advancements available through Hiwin.

Beside this, we also take pride in our industry’s acknowledgments of our innovative technology. The principle of providing our customers with greater value through technological advancements and enhanced global competition is the foundation that supports Hiwin’s plan to be the leader in hi-tech industry.
HIWIN has become a well-known brand with patents registered in over 34 countries including the US, Japan, the European Union, and more.
Management Philosophy To integrate global resources for continuous innovation, to provide a better way of life and a better working environment for mankind, to achieve the goal of continuous operation through practices of professional excellence, working enthusiasm, and enterprise responsibility.
Mission Statement To provide a better way of life and a better working environment for mankind:
1. For Taiwan: be able to develop high precision, high-tech, high value-added industrial products.
2. For the world: HIWIN products can replace hydraulic components, reduce pollution and noise, and conserve energy.
3. To provide a safe, clean and comfortable environment for employees as well as to maximize profit for shareholders.

HIWIN Corporation linear motors are direct drive, plug and play solutions.
Linear motors are capable of fast accelerations and high speeds, while providing unmatched precision and accuracy. Hiwin offers standardized linear motor designs but customizable options are available. Aside from single axis linear motors, these stages can be combined together to form cross tables or even gantry systems.
For more information:

HIWIN Technologies Corp.
7 Jingke Road, Nautun
TW-40852 TAICHUNG City / Taiwan
Ph. +886 4 23594510
Fax + 886 4 23594420