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China’s wooden products exports and imports China’s wooden products exports and imports continue to slide
Asia Observatory

08 May 2009

China’s wooden products exports and imports China’s wooden products exports and imports continue to slide

According to recent statistics from China Customs, both imports and exports of China’s wood products continued to decline in February 2009 due to the international financial crisis and Chinese spring festival period. The drop in exports and imports has lasted five months, since October 2008. Exports fell dramatically due to sharp decreases in furniture exports. Exports of wood-based panels, wooden flooring and small wooden products also continued to decline. Statistics show the total value of wood products imports and exports fell about 20% to USD3.14 billion, accounting for 2.5% of foreign trade, down 0.38% from January 2009. Of the total, the value of wood products exports declined 26% to USD1.5 billion and the value of wood products imports fell 13% to USD1.6 billion.