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The Ahec european convention 2011: 27 - 28 October 2011, Warsaw

24 June 2011

The Ahec european convention 2011: 27 - 28 October 2011, Warsaw

The American Hardwood European Convention is firmly established as a key event in the “wood calendar”.
The event attracts the main industry players, and is an opportunity to discuss challenging topics, debate issues, mix with friends and colleagues and most importantly share wood experiences. br> This year there will be a focus on the environmental issues that are increasingly shaping the way we do business and who we trade with. The new EU timber regulation, the challenge of certification, meeting the demand for “green” building and the role of LCA’s, will all be on the agenda. Far from being barriers to trade, these developments actually present the best opportunity for decades to demonstrate the true environmental credentials of American hardwoods and grow the markets in Europe.
As always debate and discussion will look at these issues in the context of current hardwood demand, fashion, and promotion in the market place. As well as the formal programme there will be plenty of time for networking and informal discussion at the social events around the convention.
For the first time we are taking the convention to Poland, an increasingly important player in the production and supply of hardwood products to European markets, and we look forward to making many new contacts as well as welcoming back old friends. This event is specifically aimed at the major players in the market, so we welcome American exporters, hardwood agents, European importers and larger manufacturers who also import. There is no convention fee but we encourage you to register early to reserve your place. I hope you can join us and I look forward to meeting you in Warsaw.