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Multiax at the Xylexpo's stand: on left, Luca Chersovani (Business Develop. Italia) and Ing. Davide Meneghel (Electrical & Software Engineering). Photo Datalignum
Multiax at the Xylexpo's stand: on left, Luca Chersovani (Business Develop. Italia) and Ing. Davide Meneghel (Electrical & Software Engineering). Photo Datalignum

12 January 2023


Founded in Italy in 1995 as Heian Europe, the company started as a joint venture between an Italian CNC machine distributor with a Japanese manufacturer of CNC machines. Together they innovated the CNC marketplace to produce a line of advanced CNC machines built exclusively in Italy.

In 1998, the company was wholly acquired by Italian entrepreneurs and rebranded as Multiax International.
In 2001, Multiax expanded with a subsidiary located in the United States and branded as Multiax America. Multiax International, based in Italy was wholly Italian-owned and many of the existing machines developed and produced exclusively in Italy until 2010.
It was during this time following the economic crisis of 2008, that private U.S. investors infused Multiax with the working capital to sustain the company and this partnership remains enthusiastically supported and in place today.

For more information contact Mr. Luca Chersovani or Ing. Davide Meneghel:

MULTIAX International CNC Srl
Viale Europa 11
I-33070 BRUGNERA, Pordenone / Italy
Tel. +39 0434 598151
Fax +39 0434 598175