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25 experts from EPF member companies met in Pfleiderer, Leutkirch (Germany)
25 experts from EPF member companies met in Pfleiderer, Leutkirch (Germany)

20 October 2023


On 10 October, 25 experts from EPF member companies met in Pfleiderer, Leutkirch (Germany) to discuss and develop strategies regarding the latest advancements and best practices in terms of fire and explosion safety. Networking and sharing best practices took center stage, fostering knowledge and learning exchanges among attendees.

“Safety is of highest priority”, Dr Frank Hermann, CEO of Pfleiderer underlined in his opening address, stressing on the wealth of expertise to help preventing and managing incidents, keeping them as harmless as possible. The day started with insightful presentations by Mr Gonzalo de las Alas-Pumariño and by Mr Timo Gauck from Pfleiderer, a leading player in the engineered WBP industry.
The spotlight was on a case study involving an explosion with no injury in a silo and sifter in the factory in Leutkirch which occurred in November 2022. Participants delved into the measures and conclusions drawn from this specific incident, sparking discussions on how this experience could be used to enhance safety protocols in other plants as part of the sector wanting to become a Role Model Industry.
Participants furthermore evaluated contributions gathered from member companies on protection and preventive guidelines, specifically related to screens and air sifters. These will now be further enhanced with the goal to establish an EPF state of the art reference for both processes. In a next step, best practices will also be developed for dry mills, potentially other processes.

For more information contact Mr Kris Wijnendaele, Technical Director:

EPF: European Panel Federation
24 Rue Montoyer B-1000 Brussels / Belgium
Tel +32 2 5562589
Fax +32 2 2870875