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VMG GROUP “Vakarų Medienos Grupė”  Lithuania: Fast growing international company.
market information

03 December 2015

VMG GROUP “Vakarų Medienos Grupė” Lithuania: Fast growing international company.

UAB “Vakarų Medienos Grupė” is developing competitive vertically integrated business model. VMG turnover in 2014. exceeds 0.6 billion. Lt. with over 3000 employees of high qualification working at UAB “Vakarų Medienos Grupė”.

The largest company of the VMG group produces particleboard (PB), finished PB and cabinet furniture made from finished PB, Impregnated paper - UAB „Sakuona“ produces bed frames and bed slats made from layer glued plywood.
In year 2014 the company in order to increase the product range has effected the new 16 mln Lt project – the chairs made from layer glued plywood production.
- VMG Industry“ – the area of the plant - 68000 square meters. Products: particleboard (PB), bed slats, bed frames, cabinet furniture. The main target is to stabilize production and increase its volume. To raise the sales volume to Russian market.
- UAB “VMG Technics” provides cargo forwarding services, carries out maintenance and upkeep of technical machinery and its equipment. Future plans: “VMG Technics” plans for future are to implement technical module of AXAPTA business management system, to strengthen precautionary technical upkeep using vibration-based diagnostics, be fully engaged in new VMG projects and continue providing services of technical maintenance and upkeep. The main work of „LogDrev“(Belarus) is providing VMG group companies and other customers with raw materials (roundwood, wood chips, etc.).
- UAB “Baltijos elektrinių investicijos“ performs technical maintenance of combined heat and power plants and boiler stations.
- UAB "Vakarų Medienos Grupė" - vertically integrated wood industry holding.
On February 3, 2015, the “Expansion of the production base of Sakuona, UAB” project, implemented by Sakuona, UAB, was launched through measure “Invest LT-2” of Priority 2 “Improvement of Business Efficiency and of Environmental Conditions for Business” in accordance with the Economic Growth Operational Programme of the European Union structural assistance employment strategy for Lithuania for the period 2007–2015.

For more information contact Mrs Violeta Lebednykienè, Economic Analysis and Accounting Director:

VMG GROUP “Vakarų Medienos Grupė”
68, Liepu Street / LT-92100 KLAIPEDIA / Lithuania
 Tel. +370 46 469425 / Fax +370 46 469498